Our Services
Sherri and Love work as a team, so you have 2 doulas instead of 1. We are trained non-clinical, support professionals experienced in childbirth. As your birth doulas we will combine this experience with our healing arts backgrounds and provide pregnancy support into the “4th trimester”. We will serve as constant reassuring support and emotional anchors. As your birth doulas, we will offer education, serve as advocates, and help with comfort measures, mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, relaxation, yoga, movement and positioning. Our birth doula offerings include 7 focus areas that are part of your preparatory experience. Click on Birth Packages funder Our Services for more information.
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Can you imagine an orgasmic birth? Yes, it's a real thing. A pleasurable birth is accessible to anyone who will allow a shift in consciousness - including during moments of uncertainty and when faced with the unexpected. Learn how to harness the breath and mind to increase both pleasurable sensation and connection to your body and sexuality. Learn more...
Hypno-Birthing is a series of tools and techniques that help overcome the fears and anxiety associated with giving birth. It ushers you into a state of deep relaxation that allows your body and your baby to work in harmony during the labor process. Hypno-Birthing has also been shown to reduce pain, increase focus and improve the postpartum experience. Learn more...
Proununced 'ray-key', Reiki is a Japanese technique used for reducing stress and promoting healing through the transfer of life force energy that flows through the practitioner and to the recipient. When one's life force energy is low, you're more likely to get sick or feel stressed. When it's high, you're healthier and happier. Benefits of a Reiki session include relaxation, feelings of peace, and an overall sense of wellbeing. It is safe with no side effects and particularly helpful for preparing for childbirth. Learn more...
Yoga is a contemplative practice as old as the pyramids. The word Yoga means "to yoke" or join together: mind, body and spirit. The physical flexibility and increased mobility that results from a regular Yoga practice is a byproduct of the emotional and mental resilience that one creates. Yoga does wonders to address the aches and discomforts associated with growing a baby. Prenatal Yoga is specifically designed with the pregnant body in mind. Benefits of prenatal Yoga include but are not limited to better sleep, a reduction in stress and anxiety, greater strength and endurance of muscles key to childbirth, and increased lung capacity. Learn more...